Closest town?

Bangor? A bus ride over from Bangor. Do I remember that right?


Yes, they talked about Barnabas going to Bangor a lot. I am rewatching the show and know that for sure.


Thanks, I'm going to rewatch the early ones.


Bangor may be the nearest city or large town to Collinsport. But according to the maps it is at least 20 miles as the crow flies from the nearest coastline. Thus a fising village like Collinsport should be at least 20 miles, and possibly a lot farther, from Bangor.

I suspect that the nearest road intersection to Collinsport is just a few miles away and has a sign pointing to Collinsport, a sign pointing to Cabot Cove, a sign pointing to Derry, and a sign pointing to Castle Rock.

Or possibly a sign pointing to Collinsport, a sign pointing to Bangor, a sign pointing to Cabot Cove, and a sign pointing to Derry, Castle Rock, and Salem's Lot.
