Gloria Winters?

Who on Earth is Gloria Winters? And how awful was that actor? LOL and why on Earth did they not edit that out how bad were the editors in those days good grief!


Editing was almost non-existent on the show.


Who was she? I can't recall her at the moment.


I think the OP is referring to an actor (or actress) screwing up the name.
I don't know which episode.


The only actress named Gloria Winters that I recall is the one who played Jackie Gleason's daughter, Babs, in the 1949 sitcom "The Life of Riley". She sure wasn't in "Dark Shadows".


I never did see the Gleason episodes. The William Bendix version reran during the '70s.

Did someone really call Vicky Gloria, or was the OP hearing things?


The Gleason episodes reran sporadically and have been on YouTube. I remember seeing them on TV ages ago. (No, I don't remember their original TV airings in 1949. LOL!) Gleason isn't as fun in them as he is in "The Honeymooners". Plus, he's oddly blonde as Riley. Gloria Winters was pretty as his teenage daughter though. I really wonder who the OP was talking about...


This was the episode in which Eve travels back to 1795 and some older gentleman (yet horrible actor, sorry) refers the hanging of GLORIA Winters as a witch. Dude, you are on the show for one day. You think you could get the name of the central character correct?


Oh, that explains it. Thanks, Briabba2.


I always thought that Eve going back in time thing was absurd. I'm convinced Dan Curtis only did it to give Roger Davis a paycheck. Why would Danielle Roget have Eve's body? (And Bradford recognizes her).


For me, the only highlight of the whole Adam and Eve tedium was Julia finding the headless body in Dr. Lang's laboratory. Grayson's screams and telephoning the police always make me laugh whenever I see the scene or think about it.


There were some interesting things in the storyline, but the time travel was senseless.

Although the fact that there were never any fang marks on Clark's neck when Angelique had him under her power was pretty stupid.


There were a few interesting plot elements and I agree regarding the senseless time travel. It was just so totally dull and unnecessary. BORING!

I always rely on Grayson's over-the-topness to get me through this storyline and its nauseating Carolyn's kissing scene with Adam. Barf Central!


If it were made today, you know what would've happened. There'd be a few more stitches revealed than what was seen originally.


Yeah, there would be graphic stitches today. I'm fine with the milder make-up used in "Dark Shadows". I'm not a fan of today's Hollywood make-up.


I was alluding to the fact that today instead of Carolyn and Adam simply kissing, we would've seen a loss of wardrobe. Lol.


Loss of wardrobe on Adam (AKA: Milton the Monster)? LOL and YUCK simultaneously!


And maybe Roger and Cassandra would've had a wedding night.


ROTF! Cassandra would have had to strap on a bedroom toy to make that wedding night work. Poor Cassandra!


But you wouldn't want his own "Steely Dan" to get jealous...


Oh, Roger's "Steely Dan" gets enough of a good workout with Roger and Barnabas. I know Barnabas is supposed to be in love with Josette. But, really...


I try not to think about that. It's fortunate we never saw Barnabas' "briefs". I bet Fruit of the Loom didn't manufacture whatever he had on.


His "briefs" might have been from Frederick's of Hollywood. In that case, Frederick's would have had to be given credit along with Ohrbach's in the closing credits. Somehow, the two just do not go together. But, whatever!


Poor Willie. Little did he know the Wolf's-head cane wasn't the only staff of Barnabas' he had to watch out for.


Possibly, Barnabas was too busy using his Wolf's-head cane and the "Steely Dan" staff on Roger and Joe Haskell. (I hate having to say that because Joe was a cutie and I've always had a crush on him!) So, Willie might have escaped totally unscathed. There were other characters that might have joined the act.

Someone who looked just like Willie did not get away unscathed due to a lesbian vampiress in "Daughters of Darkness" (1971). And this Willie lookalike got to show frontal and back nudity... au natural. Not bad at all. I already know, it's not your thing. I do wonder what Frid, Edmonds and Crothers had to say.


I'll stick with "House of Dark Shadows" with that cast in a movie.
A shame that "Night of..." wasn't that good (in my opinion) since it was the final saga.


Yeah, "House of Dark Shadows" was so much better. It seems like just yesterday it was in theaters.


I never heard of it until I saw it in the TV listings one day back in the '80s.
I have it on VHS.


I was watching 1840 and it's the beginning where Flora is introduced. She is exiting the drawing room where she is with Gerard and Gabriel and Gerard asked her if she was leaving and she said..."No, I am going to speak to your wife.....Bennett realizing her mistake flightily turns to Gabriel and says "....and your wife tooooo..." in Flora's lilting voice.....LOL.

I wonder how many people were waiting for Gerard's wife to appear?? LOL (this was before he married Samantha.)

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Bennett did stammer on her lines quite often, but no one was worse than Frid.
