4 Down 1221 to go!

I used to tape these on the old VCR years ago off of SciFi. I remember hearing the tape start recording when I was just getting up in the morning and I'd be so excited to come home from work and watch two episodes, with the commercials automatically fast forwarded, lol.

I never got to see the pre-Barnabas episodes so I'm starting over and I like them! I'm not looking forward to the arrival of certain characters who I won't mention as they are fan favorites. But I can't wait for Barnabas!

Google says there are 1245 episodes but here it says 1225 which makes more sense. It's 1225, right?


Correct it is 1225.

Superman & The [Red-Blue] Blur = The Man of Steel


Charlotte, are you watching them on YouTube?


Thanks Silent.

Yes, Dr. Hoffman, YouTube.


What characters do you dislike?


Two in the top ten as far as number of episodes played in.


Charlotte, are you talking about two (that you don't like) since you've been watching on YouTube? If so, who are they?


I couldn't stand Gregory Trask.


That was an exaggeration, but they were in a lot of episodes that I saw!

I don't remember Gregory Trask.


1897. Supposedly the grandson of 1795's Reverand Trask.


I kind of remember his face. I guess more than the actual actors/character not intriguing me, it was some of the story lines that dragged on too long.


I suppose the character was meant to be disliked. So kudos to Jerry Lacy.
