Coming to Decades TV

Sat. Oct. 29th. Anyone know if they are starting from the beginning? I couldn't see in Guide or on Decades website. THANKS!


According to the Decades website, they're starting with the episode when Barnabas locks Maggie in the old house trying to make her Josette. It appears to be a marathon that weekend. It stops on Halloween. I'm glad I own the DVDs. I couldn't take a channel airing my favorite show on occasion and only certain episodes. It would drive me mad.


Thanks! Did they ever release the DVD's going back to Ep1, before Barnabas?

I realize they don't interest most, but I was waiting to buy the collection in its entirety.



Charlotte, you can watch the series on YouTube. Starting with "Dark Shadows Episode 1" then following with "Dark Shadows Episode 0002" (Episode 2), "Dark Shadows Episode 0003" (Episode 3) and so on.


OK, thanks guys! I"m surprised they are on Youtube. You'd think they'd put a stop to it!


Is anyone watching! I am! London bridge is falling down, falling down......;)


YES Maggie's on the beach and Barnabas is there, but Pop is coming!


Do they get back to Carolyn in jail? I was digging on ol' crazy Buzz!
I "think" Maggie goes off to Wyndcliff now (looney bin) for a awhile.


LOL I dig Buzz too even though he seemed too old for that role. He was only in 4 episodes so I think he's probably not coming back.

I just tuned back in. I am starting from the very start and so I don't want to get too engrossed here so far in but it's hard not to!


Dr. Hoffman is coming!!!!!!!


She was always a fav character of mine. I felt bad for her unrequited love of Barnabas, and she always helping him anyway.


Too bad that Buzz never met Barnabas on the show. Talk about a meeting of the minds!


Buzz just buzzed off in a huff! I loved Carolyn's dancing, like these weird hops while flailing arms about wildly. He he!



Buzz just came back but I think that was it for him.


Without Buzz and Carolyn the Blue Whale loses 90% of its income. Except when Sam Evans is off the wagon!


LOL Lorraine!

Buzz buzzed off but never boring.

Wilbur Strake on Carolyn's dancing at the Blue Whale: "I wish my wife could wiggle like that." LOL!!!

The Blue Whale reminds me of the Roadside Bar from All My Children, haha.


I love the way Roger talks! When does Quentin join the show, will we see him tonight?


I LOVE Roger! I was just thinking the same thing about his speaking.

Quentin was HOT. He appears in #646, so sadly, we won't see him tonight. We're only in the 200's at the moment.

When Carolyn meets Victoria she indicates that she seems to have a crush on her Uncle Roger, LOL! Did that just die out? I hope so..


I don't think that was ever a thing, not that I recall! I can't stand Vicky, she's so drab, boring and blah. I think at one point Barnabas get eyes for her though. It's been a long time since I've watched it and I have the whole set!


I was thinking the same thing about Vicky! She's sort of filler and she starts as the main character. "My name is Victoria Winters..

I just started back at the beginning on Youtube. She was grilled by Roger about Burke Devlin (that actor is still working) and why she took a train to Collins Port when she could have flown. She said bc it was cheaper. Plus, when she got to the station she had no ride to Collin Wood. Roger says later he was inconsiderate - ya think??? lol. They don't pay for her trip and leave her stranded at the station where she gets a ride from Burke and later Roger grills her about it and she almost leaves the next day!


Sam and Joe just drove to Julia Huffman's hospital in a car.

Edit: this was for another thread!


Quentin was sexy! And such a hedonist. He liked his drink, his ladies and his music, and getting under stuffy relatives skin!


They had the old episodes when they did this last year. I found them boring. Apparently bringing in Barnabas was supposed to be a few episodes, but it turned out he saved the show.

BTW, on the decades marathon they're flashing back to the "murder" of Paul Stoddard via Carolyn's Elizabeth's confession.


I just saw the first color episode and then the very next one is black and white?! The hell? This is Maggie escaping from Wyndcliff and coming back to Collinsport. Dr Hoffman desparately trying to keep her memory repressed. Also Dr. Woodard is an idiot.


I read that the 2nd color episode was lost but that they had a black and white version. Not sure why they would have both but they did.

Dr. Woodard is funny to watch. It's like he's acting in a comedy skit.

I saw the flashback yesterday. I remember seeing this years ago and being so glad that Jason was exposed. He doesn't bother me so much now.


Some ABC affiliates at the time aired the show on a delayed basis, and didn't receive it from ABC's main feed. The network sent these stations black and white kinescope copies of each episode so they could air the show at anytime they wanted.
Fortunately enough of the copies still existed to fill in the holes where the original masters had disappeared. Only one episode is missing (from the 1841 Parallel Time storyline), which originally aired after the kinescope operation had ceased.

Dennis Patrick was such a good actor that he made Jason McGuire a grear character.


Charlotte, a number of the color episodes were lost. The videos are missing. This is why they use black and white kinescopes for these lost episodes. A kinescope is celluloid print filmed directly from a video monitor. Hence, the kinescope episodes look grainy. It was the norm for videotaped shows to be simultaneously filmed as kinescope prints for reference purposes. At this point, it's better than nothing.


I see, thanks Fletcher and Dr. J.

So there is one missing episode from the 1841 time and that's the only totally lost episode?

Yes, Dennis Patrick was excellent. I never doubted his acting or his accent once.

Sarah is showing David Barnabas' empty coffin! It's scary.


You're welcome, Charlotte.

Yes, that's the only missing episode. It's been somewhat restored with images and recorded dialogue. Plus the participation of Lara Parker.

Not too much happens in the episode. If it hadn't been "restored", the jump to the next episode would work anyway. No plot holes or confusion.


Do they still play it? I have a vague memory of seeing one years ago that had still images with the sound recording. I would have seen it on SciFi.


I've never seen the restored episode on TV. I've seen it on my "Dark Shadows" DVD collection. They might play it on Decades considering you remember seeing it on SciFi. You can always check YouTube for it.


I think I remember it. It would have been just the one you say. It was a long time ago.


Just turned over to Decades to watch marathon! Love it; takes me back to my childhood! I was in grammar school and could only see it on spring breaks and over summer vacations! Sarah is scaring Barnabas by appearing to everyone but him! 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


David was in Barnabas' coffin with Barnabas in the crypt with Willie.


He's locked up in there now! What an idiot! He didn't need to hide in the 1st place; just kept going deeper! Never cared for the brat! 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


He hid because he was scared and his instincts were right. Barnabas wouldn't stop at hurting him.


Isn't Barnabas supposed to show up to his coffin in the crypt where David is trapped??


The crypt is where Willie found Barnabas chained up behind the wall! After being freed, he got permission from Judith to move into the Old House! His coffin was off the living room, but moved to an upper level IIRC due to need in a storyline! Been years; maybe 20 since I used to watch the old repeats on Sci-Fy!  I had to tape and watch it later since I worked back then! 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


When you say lost what exactly do you mean?

Did the producers or ABC get careless and misplace these episodes or were the tapes erased?


Fletcher seems to think they might have been taken under suspicious circumstances. It does seem odd that crucial color episodes with Barnabas are missing. These color episodes might be hiding in someone's attic. Someone who is afraid to come forward with them due to looting what wasn't theirs.


Not just color episodes. The introduction of Barnabas was one. Julia's original investigation, leading her to find Barnabas inside his coffin was another.
There's always the sinister possibility (if it had been done by one person) that they planned to hold them for ransome if the show was attempted to be released into syndication, unaware they would use kinescopes for the missing ones (I guess this would go under the heading of "Conspiracy Theory").


Yes, "Conspiracy Theory". LOL! If the person realized the kinescopes were available for use, perhaps he or she would have just left the videos alone.

It's irksome and remarkably telling that (especially!) the introduction of Barnabas is missing. I mean, how obvious is that? It smells of video thievery!


Oh, yes. It's also possible someone connected with the show coveted those episodes just to own them personally; never thinking the show would be re-released.


Very true, Fletcher!


Some ABC affiliates at the time aired the show on a delayed basis, and didn't receive it from ABC's main feed. The network sent these stations black and white kinescope copies of each episode so they could air the show at anytime they wanted.
Fortunately enough of the copies still existed to fill in the holes where the original masters had disappeared. Only one episode is missing (from the 1841 Parallel Time storyline), which originally aired after the kinescope operation had ceased.

Dennis Patrick was such a good actor that he made Jason McGuire a grear character.
