Anyone else notice....

Barnabas standing in the corner of Victoria's room behind Julia? Julia and Liz are talking and don't even see him. It's Victoria's first episode back from 1795. I assume this was an oops?


I think Frid was waiting for his cue to enter the scene, thinking he wouldn't be seen on camera there.


It reminds me of the time Louis Edmonds was seen jogging in place through the glass of the door. Total oops moment! It's been awhile, but I think it's in a b/w episode.


I remember that.
Wasn't that at the Collinsport Inn? Maybe he was feeling drowsy and was trying to pump himself up for the scene?


It might have been at Collinsport Inn. I thought it was outside one of Collinwood's living-room doors, but you're usually right. Anyway, it was really bizarre seeing Louis jogging in place like that. So out of character for Roger.


I seem to recall seeing him through a windowed door with curtains. The Inn is the only place I can think of that fits the description. It was definitely an early episode.


Yep, it was at the inn; I just saw that one a few days ago. This is my fourth time watching, and this was the first time I've noticed him doing that!

On your feet, Sam.


The first time I noticed, I was like "What the f$$$ is he doing?".
Strange time and place for calisthenics!


What are some of episode #s of these oops? I notice randomly checking DS episodes here on IMDB there isn't trivia for each episode like other shows. I like to see oops reported before I watch TV episodes than look for it. Silly but fun. Is there an oops guide for DS episodes anywhere? Maybe participants here could insert oops in the trivia section here for an episode they viewed and a oops was spotted.i notice actors sometimes will space out, or forget a line and the other actor will help them through it...funny.


The two most glaring examples of forgotten lines are:

Episode #89
Burke plans on putting the Collins family out of business by setting up a rival sardine cannery. He gathers together the heads of the Collins cannery to try and lure them into working for him.
Mitchell Ryan completely forgets his lines and turns to the character of Amos Fitch and says "You know what I mean, Amos?". The actor sits there looking nervous, not knowing what to say.

Episode #337
Dr. Woodard has discovered Barnabas' secret and has even talked to Sarah. He confronts Barnabas at the Old House, but actor Peter Turgeon totally forgets his next line ("I saw your sister Sarah today"). He's facing away from the camera, stands up and blocks the camera's view of Frid's face so Frid can mouth his line to him.


Oh, a list of oops moments in IMDb's Trivia section would be long, long, long. Hey, about the time John Karlen realized he had his script in his hand and cunningly started using it as if it were a piece of sandpaper? If I remember correctly, he used it to mock smoothing down a surface in the mausoleum while Jonathan Frid gave him a sort of knowing glance. Am I right?


And David Ford had a script in his hand at the Old House set and hastily hid it behind his back when he realized the camera was rolling.


There are two 10 minute Dark Shadows blooper videos on YouTube. Really really funny stuff.


There are usually a lot of compilations on YouTube. If you check around you can see them. Grayson has her own compilations. Among them "Grayson Hall Teaches Method Acting" in multiple parts and "The Doctor Julia Hoffman Show". Hilarity!


I remember seeing an "ooops" reel years ago; Roger admitting to taping a scene pants-less! I guess he had started undressing too soon and the shot had to be re-done!

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Yeah, Louis was upstairs in the dressing room (located in the left door on the landing of the Collinwood front stairs). When he realized he was on, he rushed downstairs wearing his underpants. I'd love to see the clip if it's extant.


In the episode where Roger and Joe are looking for lost David in the mausoleum, Louis says "incestors" instead of "ancestors." He then turns to the other actor and says in a snarky voice "Incestors! I mean ancestors" and rolls his eyes. I don't know how either actor kept from cracking up.


Joel Crothers couldn't keep from smiling, but lowered his eyebrows to try and appear serious.


Yes, that's right, Fletcher. Classic blooper!


Almost as good was when Magda screwed up her line; instead of talking about the hand, she called it "the book". Humbert Astredo, who was wearing a disfigured mask, thus you couldn't see his face, ad-libbed "The book?!", causing Grayson to realize she screwed up and tried to keep a straight face with "The hand".


Ha ha ha!
