clasp of death

Has anyone else bought this set to find the packaging is made in such a way that the actual discs are almost impossible to remove? I have tried pressing the plastic 'stud' in the centre and lifting the edges of the disc, but, all that happens is that the disc bends and one day I'm sure I'll hear a snap! End of DVD!
Has anyone got any tips of how to actually remove these blinking things! Or is it just a ploy by DVD producing companies to get us to keep buying the same DVDs over again 'cos every time we want to watch them we have to snap them in half to get them out?!
Any help please!....


Hi Jenny,

I bought it today and they do look pretty intimidating studs and I'm dreading the eventual pressage required. I'm still haunted by the black Friday in February 2005 when sadly one disc in an ITC boxset snapped when I tried to remove it.

"Think You Used Enough Dynamite There, Butch?"


No problems whatsoever with the disks' removal here... It has those "three spoke" clasps where there is a big gap on one edge of the clasp (with no plastic). Holding the disk by the outside edges, and taking care not to bend it, simply wiggle the disk back and forth as you gently raise it a little at a time - the clasp will eventually give up its grip! Do not rotate the disk around the spindle, though you can push in different horizontal directions (away from the "empty space" part of the spindle is best as the minimum amount of friction then applies from the rest of the spindle). It just takes a bit of patient wiggling for 30 seconds or less.
