the dance of the capes!

pretty bizarre....and apparently you'll have to stand when you go to the theater in the future....apparently chairs have been outlawed. The hovercraft cars WERE pretty cool...also loved the blank stares the Commanders' co-workers give when they get busted making fun of him... no reaction at all...


Yeah, I can just imagine the audience thinking, "Two hundred credits to see this crap and they don't even have seats!" Haha
Who would have thought that in the 23 century Broadway musicals would be replaced by a live action version of Mothra.
I thought all the cars were pretty cool, especially the toy car that careens off the road and "explodes", and don't forget the awesome curtains in the space station!
I still remember seeing this movie as a kid at the old Fortway theater in Brooklyn--I'll never forget that climax with the pool filled with red liquid--on a double bill with another classic, Hot Rods To Hell starring Dana Andrews. Ahhh, the good old days!

Every cloud has a silver lining, and every plate of vegetable soup is filled with vegtables.


Indeed, this movie is incredibly, weirdly (and entertainingly) bad. I dig it.

Luxuriate in the eclectic...


I thought the dance of the capes had an austere, pure beauty to it. It knocked my socks off. Also the script knocked my socks off, or maybe I laughed my socks off.

So weird that people were thinking about "no chairs." I was too, and--like there is any point to this at all when watching a low-budget scifi movie--as always, I was watching other scenes in much the same way. Like, "If they're so @#$%ing advanced and all that, how come they do this in this way?" How come everybody dresses the same? How come visions of the future are always sort of fascistic and perfect-machine-like instead of disintegrated and chaotic, like things tend to get? Wouldn't the women have found out ways to look better instead of weird? Why does the furniture and art look like crap, and everything else look sort of monochrome? Why does Shatner talk like that? And so forth. I need help.
