MovieChat Forums > I criminali della galassia (1967) Discussion > 100 Things I learned from WILD WILD PLAN...

100 Things I learned from WILD WILD PLANET

1. Always be wary of bald men in raincoats!
2. There's no point in going into a lot of preliminaries.
3. Even hovercars need wheels!
4. Any of us could be next and there are never any witnesses!
5. In the future, chairs are for meetings, not dance performances!

Remember, with great power. comes great responsibility. - R.I.P., Cliff


6. Push button telephones in the future won't have a hash or star key.

I am a very decisive person, I think.


7. Always be careful of those things on their chests..... You know, females, and when you are locked in combat with them.

8. Combining yourself as a male with a female somehow makes you perfect, even though you aren't the same height.

9. It's always best to have an assortment of spare arms so you can throw them out at your leisure.

10. Bald guys always wear caps that are 3 sizes to small for their heads.

11. Flame pistols would never give your position away in a combat situation at night.
