MovieChat Forums > What's New Pussycat (1965) Discussion > Why Isn't This Movie on DVD?

Why Isn't This Movie on DVD?

This movie definitely needs to be made available on DVD in the States. Has anyone heard anything about it?


I juts bought this film on DVD in Norway! (The country in which it was banned)
So it's on region 2 DVD, probably region 1 as well, mate!

Comment cruel le monde peut être


This movie was BANNED???? In NORWAY?????
Please explain with much detail before my entire conception of reality crumbles!


It was banned, as it says in the Trivia section, because Peter Sellers wrappes himself in the Norwegian flag, which is in conflict with the “Norwegian flag law” that states certain rules of the use of the flag. (It’s insane I know, but this was the sixties)

I have no idea when it was legalized in Norway…

Comment cruel le monde peut être


Oh I see, it makes sense now (sort of), thanks for explaining!


That's so typical of these so-called "enlightened" European hypocrite countries. They dump on the United States all the time for being so closed- minded, and yet they ban movies because a character wraps himself in their flag! That would be considered freedom of speech in our country; and even though I have some problems with idiots who burn our flag to make a statement, at least it's their right to do it. So who's the more intelligent country?


Uhm, Well. This was in the sixties. Since you can buy the movie now, I guess it is legal to wear a norwegian flag in norway nowadays.

Also, Europe is large, just like America. Not all countries/states can be perfect. But some will be better than others, and I'd rank norway pretty high.
United Nations even ranks Norway the number one country to live in, their judgement includes economical as well as social factors.
Have a look here for more info (and Americas ranking):

"Mama had a chicken, mama had a cow
dad was proud, he didn't care how"


Are you absolutely certain the movie was banned in Norway. Other postings allege that this was never the case.


This probably isn't very helpful, but it is available (also) in Australia (region 4), thru Kaleidoscope (, cat.#: KAL0524.
Maybe check out


Thanks for the tip. Basically a visit to and a search of the database reveals yet again that this film is unavailable on DVD. In fact, before I asked my original question I checked there, Amazon and Google before I accepted the fact that this movie is unavailable in the US.



God! I wish I'd recorded this movie last night. If I'd known it wasn't on DVD here in the States...I really should have guessed that, I mean, what with the African Queen being unavailable in the states as well. Anywho, saw Pussycat for the first time last night(really this morning), and loved it. It's so zaney and goofy. Really in the spirit of Mel Brooks and Monty Python. I'd only seen Peter O'Toole in dramatic roles prior to this so it was a bit of a shock in the beginning, but a wonderful shock. He can be quite halarious. It's a real bummer that this isn't available in the U.S.


TAQ n/a in the U.S.?

Do tell.


Isn't it just pants? TAQ not on DVD in the U.S. and damn near impossible to find on VHS. Honestly!

I like violent movies


Glad that you loved 'What's New Pussycat?,' EcnerwalET, be sure to tape it next time, because, even after twenty-five or so viewings (seriously!), I love it still! A great sixties send-up, rampage film! O'Toole can indeed be hilarious. Be sure to catch 'After the Fox' and 'The Bobo,' if you haven't. I mention these as they are a bit more esoteric than 'Pussycat.'

By the way, since people are amazed that this isn't out on DVD, which is shocking, to take it a step further, the soundtrack WAS recently released on CD, so go figure (I know, it's a Bacharach soundtrack, but release the movie!). Great music, a wonderful score.


Maybe they'll do a sort of Peter O'Toole boxset and put Pussycat in it.

I like violent movies


It will be pretty soon available on DVD. I know somebody who works for MGM in California and she told me they are about to print the DVD sleeve - as well as a new DVD sleeve for THE PARTY (but no new Special Features on both DVDs :o(

And only Mono English, French and Spanish tracks :o0

At least, it will have a DVD format ;o)

"I'm Spartacusss!"


rock on! oh well on the no special feature. I'm just happy to have the movie. Right now I have a bootleg copy I recorded off of TCM.

I like violent movies


I just borrowed the DVD from the public library in LA.


Who cares? This thread was started 3 years ago. It's been released. I know! I bought it! I watched it! Thanks for your support!


Thanks. I already picked it up at Media Play when it was released.


I just bought it at Virgin in San Francisco. It was in their bargain bin.


Yeah, I purchased it too. Pretty hilarious!!


I've seen it in a box set with the pink south Africa

Lawyer:You sir are a moron
Homer:A Mormon,but I'm from earth!


That's swell. In my posting from 2005 I said that I picked it up. It was released in June of that year.


ja, sorry,. i missed the boat . i only realised after i posted the damn thing that I was 3 years too late. any way, glad you got it. It just goes to show that with a little patiance, we can all find the DVD's we're looking for

Lawyer:You sir are a moron
Homer:A Mormon,but I'm from earth!

