
Anyone know if The Train is coming to Blu-ray anytime soon? Can't imagine a better classic to bring into the high-definition realm.


I can't wait for this masterpiece to get the high definition treatment. I hope it's under process?


Still no sign? I watched the DVD today and it's not even 16x9 enhanced!


MGM HD cable channel, or Vudu.


I agree, and I can't understand why it hasn't been issued in Blu-ray already, considering the inferior films from that period that have gotten the nod.
It's an all-around superbly-crafted piece of work, and is deserving of the hi-def treatment for that reason alone, but it's even more deserving in my opinion because of its superb visual qualities: outstanding use of wide-agle lenses resulting in deep focus which in turn had the film makers filling each stunningly composed scene with beautifully choreographed movement from edge to edge and corner to corner of every frame.


It got the high definition treatment, just not on disk.


I've seen the version of The Train streaming from Netflix. It's essentially the same as my DVD.
If you know of a higher resolution version, where can I 'see' it?


Lots of places, Netflix isn't one of them. Amazon streams it in standard definition with the wrong aspect ratio.

1. Free Hulu, with a dozen commercial breaks and a big MGM logo in the lower left corner. The 'auto' setting will send SD or HD depending on your internet connection. The Hulu website uses Adobe Flash and that doesn't play smoothly on all computers. I have a computer connected to my TV screen. Not available via Hulu Plus on other devices.

2. Occasionally the MGM HD premium cable channel shows it in 1080i.

3. VUDU, buy or rent SD or HD or HDX. I bought SD (480p) which looks better than the old non-anamorphic DVD. No MGM logo and correct 1.66:1 aspect ratio. I have VUDU on a LG WiFi enabled Blu-ray player, a Roku box, and a PC connected to my TV.

4. My local PBS station broadcast it over-the-air last year in 1080i, in their Saturday evening time slot.

5. It also sits in the cloud for 'paid' YouTube and 'Google play'.
