MovieChat Forums > The Train (1965) Discussion > HELP! assistance needed

HELP! assistance needed

For those who have recently seen the film:

Does it begin with a sequence defining the word "sabotage" and showing French factory workers throwing their sabots (wooden shoes) into the machinery?

Thanks in advance. I'm trying to figure out which movie begins that way.
. . . . . . . .


I watched The Train last night and there was no such scene.


The film you are thinking of is Alfred Hitchcock's 1936 feature "Sabatoge". It starred Oscar Homolka and Sylvia Sydney.


The thread's OP hasn't thanked you for that bit of deep film knowledge, fc, despite being a regular IMDB visitor, but I will. Thanks!


I hope you find out which film begins that way. However, it was not "The Train." That begins with Paul Scofield's character, Colonel Von Waldheim, going into the Musee Jeu de Paume in World War Two Paris just before the Allied liberation. If you scan the rest of this board, you'll find out more about it. Good ripping yarn with philosophical overtones. Hope you check it out.

There is a good sabotage line in the movie, but I won't give it away. It's a great punchline.

Good luck on your other quest.

"I'm not from here, I just live here. . ."

-James Mc Murtry
