Shark Pool Fight Line

At the end of the fight in the shark pool where he escapes the shark coming after him I just saw Bond saying, "Better luck next time..."

As a kid I remember him saying, "Now you can tell about the one that got away." Does anyone remember that line?

Make me a sergeant and charge the booze!


Both lines were dubbed by Connery, the "Now you can tell about the one that got away" being the one used, as far as I know, in most of the original film prints. That's the one I remember when I saw the film in 1965.

I think the "Sorry old chap, better luck next time" version started to show up in later years, when the film was released on DVD.


Thanks I was sure I remembered it that way from seeing it as a kid. I knew they had changed some stuff for the DVDs... I wish they would just leave things alone.

Make me a sergeant and charge the booze!


Yeah that's WAY better than "better luck next time". You're right, they need to just leave stuff alone.
