Barry Gordon

I was wondering if anyone knew the actual birth date of Barry Gordon (Nick). The film was released in 1965, with Barry playing a twelve year old boy. His bio lists his birthday as 21Dec48, which would have made him almost 17 when the film was released. How can this be? I would think that the movie would have to have been actually filmed a few years before it's release. Barry was great in the part, but I don't think that his acting skill could have helped him pull off being pre-pubescent. Anyone have an idea?


I watched the movie on TNT's Turner Classic Movies. In host Robert Osborne's introduction to the film, he said that while Barry Gordon played the part of a 12 year old, Barry was actually 16 when the movie was made.


Thanks for that information. He played the part convincingly.


I had to look this up too - Barry Gordon was great in the Ann Sothern show, where he was on two episodes - it was hard to believe there was so many years between his role on these two shows - he played a young kid very convincingly, although perhaps he was a bit too intelligent on A Thousand Clowns to be actually 12.


I'm guessing the intelligence factor was deliberate. He HAD to grow up prematurely because he was the caretaker of the household - SOMEBODY had to be the adult there, and it was left to him. Which makes the temper tantrum scene all the more meaningful - he's finally acting his age!


The same day I received notice of this comment, I happened upon 'A Thousand Clowns' on TCM. Good to revisit it again. I did notice that Barry did pass admirably as a 12 year old, although he did act a bit more intelligent than the average 12er. Could be that he was around grown-ups most of the time, while keeping his immature uncle in check.
