is this the movie where...

I am going thru Brava titles on IMDB considering what i want to try to find next after seeing the wonderful Black Sunday, and I came across the desription of this movie, which sparked a memory from my younger days...

We used to get to see a load of wonderful old horror movies (back when we had just 4 channels and tv was somehow better than today...), and I recall from my childhood a movie where some space dudes had taken on board some alien chick, and the scene that sticks with me is her sitting there licking her teeth and lips with her tongue after feasting on some poor dudes blood...

does that sound like a scene from this movie perhaps???


Thats Queen of Blood you are thinking of. Another unusual movie. Sometimes the two showed back-to-back on late night horror host shows.


THANKS!!! Your a maestro indeed, that is the movie as i just watched the trailer!

I have always loved that movie, but could not remember it's name.


They're still being paired up! COMET, a new "retro" channel, has been airing them back-to-back each time they're programmed=}

Right now, I'm watching "POTV" and am anxious to see "QOB" again after too many decades since the last viewing.

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC
