MovieChat Forums > The Satan Bug (1965) Discussion > So, when Barrett went....

So, when Barrett went....

.... into the vault, why did he bother to wear a pressure suit and carry a lab hamster? Why did he close the vault door behind him? Why ask his friend to shoot him if he came out with his face-plate down? It was potentially a suicide mission. If the Satan Bug was spilled, he was a dead man, no matter what, so why not simply go in in his shirt sleeves? All he had to do is open the vault door and wait.... Was dying from the virus so much worse than being shot to death?


Apparently yes. Dying from the Satan Bug is quite horrible. Neither the movie nor the novel make it precisely clear in what way it kills its victims, however, it's stated different times in the book that the virus is so horrific that dying any other way is merciful.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"


They could have unlocked the vault door. Tied a rope to it, and set the hamster on the floor. Pulled the vault open exposing the air lock room and the hamster. If it died, then cement up the E lab forever.Or incinerate it.

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."
