DVD's Quality?

i've been looking online for DVD's of "The Shooting" and "Ride in the Whirlwind." however, i see that there are multiple DVDs. does anyone own either of these on DVD and care to comment on the quality and type of DVD they have?

i've been reading about different versions such as a "Director's Restoration Series"


how is the quality? i've read that some DVD's have problems such as being Pan&Scan. let me know if you have any advice or information on the subject. thanks for your help.


I've the double feature DVD with THE SHOOTING and RIDE THE WHIRLWIND. The quality is Pan&Scan and slightly worse than an old worn VHS tape.


I blind bought the Director's Restoration Series (http://www.dvdcult.com/images/RITW.jpg).

The quality of the DVD video and audio is not great but good enough.

The DVD menu did not function properly. It appears as though the designers forgot to include a visible cursor. This problem makes it difficult to navigate through the menu. However, there really aren't many extras anyway so it doesn't seem to matter a great deal. All a person needs to do is hit PLAY once the menu loads and the movie will start. If your remote has a audio button, you can use that to get the Commentary track.

I hope that helps people.
If anyone has any other questions about the DVD let me know and I'll update this post with more information.


The quality is very good. Any deficit is due to camera angle and lighting especially in the Shooting. I recently purchased the DVD with both movies on it.
What I will take issue with is the description of Ride the Whirlwind.
A vigilante group is not a posse. Further only two were pursued (Nicholson and Mitchell) as one was killed at the cabin site and never got to flee.


The Criterion Collection will be releasing Ride the Whirlwind on Blu-ray and DVD later this year (2014).


The Criterion release for this film looks and sounds great.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!
