In the clear?

Cmdr. Jackson: I've decided to send this one in the clear, if you don't mind.
Lt. Sanchez: In the clear?
Cmdr. Jackson: Transmit in the clear!
Lt. Sanchez: But this was a coded signal...
Cmdr. Jackson: You heard me!
Lt. Sanchez: Prepare to transmit, Joe.
Joe: In the clear?
Lt. Sanchez: Yes, in the clear.
Aural announcer: Aural to visual. Aural to visual. In the clear.
Visual announcer: Visual to aural. Visual to aural. In the clear.

Me: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! My head's going to explode!!!

There are some aspects of this film that are cruel and inhumane.

Still dig it though.

"It's getting pretty late, doctor"
"Later than you think."


I think they were just trying to be clear.

bum bum ching.

Valkyrie Warrior Maiden with cleavage you could ski down


Only Scientologists are "clear".

Sacred cows make delicious hamburgers.


Saw this circa 1970. As a 7 yr old it was the greatest thing ever - images I would never forget. Don't remember one line of "dialogue". Wish I could see it now.
