Dollars movies

I watched The Good, The Bad and the Ugly a few years ago and liked it. I somehow couldn't get into the other two movies and I hardly finish movies I'm not enjoying. All three movies came on AMC three days ago, I recorded "Fistful" and decided to watch "More". I missed the first half hour because I wanted to go online for a bit and I figured I won't miss much. I watched thirty odd minutes and it somehow felt boring.

I watched half of "Fistful" and I couldn't explain to myself why it felt boring or dull. There were two dialouge scenes I didn't pay attention to, I made that mistake with Outlaw Josey Whales, maybe four fot that movie, I gave that another watch and I liked it. The plot being weak occured to me and I don't know if that's true or not. After deleting the recording it did occur to me maybe the dullness vanishes shortly afterward. I read several reviews of these movies and it occured to me maybe they are character driven, not plot driven and maybe missing the first half hour of "More" was a bad idea.

I'm not a huge western fan, I don't watch westerns much and when I think "westerns" I think plot, not gunfights. I'm not a movie buff but I do watch a lot of movies and it's probably worth mentioning the term character driven was something I had to be reminded of. I feel like giving these movies another shot, I'm not sure if I should bother and it did occur to me I should entirely watch movies a little more.

I was wrong about what I missed. I missed the first half of "More', not just the first half hour. That really explains my boredom.


Yes, watch the second one again, you missed the great introductions in For A few Dollars More of the three main characters.

Fistful was Leone's first Western slow to get set up but its last half is great.


umm yea... how you can expect to understand something when you don't watch the whole thing is slightly nonsensical.

Don't be a sucker


I agree. The OP sounds dumb haha.


If you miss big chunks of movie and are surprised you didn't like/understand them, then you're dumb. Watch the whole thing like a normal person. You're not going to get the full experience of watching a movie unless you watch the entire thing.
