Character Elimination

Yall have played this before. No need to explain the rules. Have fun!

Jack: 50

Will: 50

Elizabeth: 50

Norington: 50

Ragetti: 50

Pintel: 50

Marty: 50

Cotton: 50

Barbossa: 50

Davy Jones: 50

Tia Dalma: 50

Dog with the Keys aka Tim: 50

Jack the Monkey: 50

Cotton's Parrot: 50

Captain of the Tortuga Cruise Line
Care to join me crew?
I'm on Team Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?
Third Mate of Team Marty the Midget
Official Slapper on the BLACK TRIDENT
Avast! I'm on the Wicked Alliance!
What bodes ill for Jack bodes ill for all of us.


I've working this for eight years, and I think I finally understand! Is the answer "frying pan"? So proud to have beaten everyone else to the solution.
