Similar movies?

Really enjoyed The Knack. Would appreciate the titles of any movies from the same time period with similar plot, style.


similar plot (kind of):

Georgy Girl (1966)


Breathless (1960)

Georgy Girl (1966)

A hard Day's night (1964)

Blow up (1966)

Two For the road (1967)

une femme est une femme (1961)

wonderwall (1967)

you're a big boy now (1966)


Richard Lester did have his finger on the pulse. I wish I could help you, but the only thing I can think of is another Lester Film, Hard Day's Night. Even if you haven't seen it, you must know it's about the Beatles. But much of the sub-culture portrayed fits right in with the ambience of The Knack. Give it a shot -- it's really a great flick.


Zazie dans le métro.


Style: Billy Liar, Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The Servant, Accident

Check out A Taste of Honey for another great Rita Tushingham performance and in this same genre (but less amusing, darker.)
