MovieChat Forums > King Rat (1965) Discussion > George Segal Had Nice Teeth

George Segal Had Nice Teeth

am i the only one to think this? couln't help noticing everytime he opened his mouth. just as everytime he appeared on screen, i could not help but notice how attractive he was...


Everyone in movies has nice teeth.


George Segal was suppose to look good, I suppose, because his business operations afforded him a better life as a POW. James Garner, however, in The Great Escape looked too well groomed and dressed in that white turtle neck. Segal's uniform shirts looked a bit too good at times for Changi Prison.

"Ready when you are, Mister DeMille."


Garner's character was wearing what he had on when he was shot down. I don't remember if the length of his incarceration was mentioned in the movie, but perhaps he had not been a prisoner long enough for his clothes to deteriorate.


He had nice teeth, nice food, nice clothes and nice hair.

Its that man again!!


His appearance was a major goof. He'd been a POW for 2 1/2 to 3 years. His uniforms appeared to be Class A's; he couldn't have had more than two sets of them going into captivity, and 2 to 3 years of sweat, sun, humidity, and general wear and tear would have reduced his clothes to tattered rags, just like the other prisoners' duds. All the washing and ironing in the world couldn't have prevented 1 or 2 sets of uniforms from deteriorating under those conditions. He might have had new pants and shirts custom-made, but Class A uniforms? Complete with regulation corporal's stripes? No way.
