MovieChat Forums > Kaijû daisensô (1970) Discussion > This film should have been on MST3K

This film should have been on MST3K

This movie was horrible! I admit I watched knowing it was going to be pretty stupid as most of the godzilla movies are, but this was the worst i've ever seen. I am however grateful that it was made because me and my friends have fun laughing and making fun of it. One of my favorite parts is when Nick Adams asks the leader of Planet X "What are you going to do now?" and the leader's response is "Just wait... until it goes away." great plan buddy you'll really get far making great split second decisions like that. And then the easily fooled astronauts do not bother to ask any proof of the cure for all diseases as it would be very abnormal for aliens living underground because of a monster that prevents them from living happily to want anything from earth besides more monsters. The little victory dance that Godzilla does after defeating Monster 0 is also brilliant! I dont think the film could have gone without such a well choreographed monster dance. I'm not even going to start about the alka-seltzer tablets the aliens fly around in. I do have one question though, is Japan governed by space authority? Because in the movie they can do whatever they want. All in all, if you have a sense of humor or enjoy watching MST3K see this movie because you'll probably get a good laugh.



Come on, they were interesting when I was in elementary school. I still enjoy most of them, just not in the same way. I watch them now to make fun of them and get a laugh. Everyone I've ever seen is extremely fakey and stupid. Especially the white gloved, chrome helmeted Japanese Army. You really have no room to talk, Godzilla flicks have been made fun of on numerous different TV shows.

P.S. If you are by chance Japanese or 5 years old I appologize for arguing.




They dedleted my post. Probably because I used a slang term for Japanese. Sorry I was just trying to finish in a hurry.


This movie is one of my favorite godzilla movies ever!Please dont make fun of it.


This movie is one of the best Godzilla movies out there, as far as the human plot is concerned. It moves along. Admittedly, the Godzilla movies are an acquired taste for adults. But I have yet to meet a kid who doesn't think Godzilla is cool. I'm hopeful that Hollywood will work something out with Toho to make a real Godzilla movie with a good human plot, with updated special effects to bring the Godzilla characters and universe into light. With monsters like Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton running around, Godzilla is sorely needed.


This is a rather silly thread started by someone who doesn't know what he's talking about.

MONSTER ZERO is a finely crafted, colorful fantasy. Yes, there are credibilty problems that would fell the movie if it were intended seriously, but it is obviously designed as a fun fantasy movie, and it works perfectly on that level.

I prefer the more serious GOJIRA (1954), and there was a time when I went through a snobby phase and thought MZ was not up to that high standard, but now I enjoy the film for what it is.

MST-3K would never have worked for this movie. They did their best work when lampooning ultra-serious melodramas that begged to have the pompous balloon punctured. You really can't achieve that when the film itself is so light-hearted and fun.


"This isn't a comedy, it's Sci fi/Horror."

I might classify a few entries in the series as horror but this one definetly is not. I am a huge Godzilla fan but let's be honest, as entertaing as this film is, it is quite laughable especially by today's standards.
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Most of the Godzilla movies? You obviously haven't seen Destroyah or GMK. Watch the OJV. Much better.



"Just wait... until it goes away" makes me chuckle every time I think of it, especially it's delivery, he just sounds embarrassed like a bullied schoolboy.

It's avery silly movie, I mean he does the highland fling in space for crying out loud.

The main problem I have with it is the very slow pacing of it, I've just been re-editing it to try and trim it down.

There's all the stuff about water which never comes to anything, cut! There's the endless whining about his sister, cut!
Then there's the more complicated cuts of just slow editing.
Shot 1
Say a line, pause, say another line
Shot 2
Silent reaction, for a while, maybe a line.
Shot 3
Silent reaction, again for a while, then maybe a line.

All these pointless pauses just slow it down they should be editing mid-line to the next shot etc, this wasn't made in the 30s.

So that's what I did in my edit.

Of cause I had to keep the 'Till it goes away' line in.


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


There are a LOT worse Godzilla films from the late 60's/early 70's to complain about. All Monsters Attack was probably the nadir.


I have managed to avoid that one.

I actually think Megalon is mighty entertaining, but Gigan is poo.


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.





I agree it should had been on that show

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS

