How about a remake?

I believe this story has a lot of potential.


Oh God! The last thing we need is Hollywood rewriting history again.


They already did with this film.

Here is the original:

And as usual in Hollywood they surely put their touch on the facts to better the viewer-appeal. Not that it is bad, just hitorically incorrect.

In the original several of the actual participants of the raid is playing themselves. Maybe not a good idea, but very fascinating.



It would be stupid to change the stor or something on this film, because it is a true story! I think it would be really hard to meke a remake, beacuse "Rukjan" (There they filmed the movie)Has changed alot... And if somebody wanted to make a remake, it had to bee 100% like the original! If not they could destroy the story..



There is already a "remake" going on. It is not a documentary, yet it will be more historically correct than Heroes of Telemark.

Apparently, Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg, who directed Bandidas starring Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek, will be the directors.

According to rumours, three of the most famous actors in Norway are to appear in the film (Aksel Hennie, Nicolai Cleve Broch and Kåre Conradi).


Why does someone always suggest that films be remade?

When they are they invariably are pale shadows of the original.

Can't today's film industry come up with new new stories instead of having to plagiarise old ones?

The other thing about remakes, or modern films set in the past, is that the language and idioms of today are used.

For instance, they will have 1940s characters saying such things as "Tell me about it" or "Get off my case", and English characters of that period referring to each other as 'guys' instead of chaps or blokes.

I watched a series on UK TV set in the 1960s and we had characters talking about a house being trashed. That expression was never used in the UK then.

Heroes of Telemark could have been better, but it still isn't a bad film, so please don't let today's film makers get at it, especially Hollywood.


Given that one of the four who took part of the mission criticised Heroes of Telemark for being shamefully too Hollywood, a Norwegian remake should be very welcome.



yes how about a remake thats has norwegian actors and follows the real story


Actually the remake that was mentioned above^^ from Mr.Rønningen starring Axel Hennie and Nicholas cleve Broch was changed to the story of another great norwegian saboteur : Max Manus(2008) Just had a release in Norway,and its one of the best films Ive seen with Norwegian actors..
That being said if a remake is being made,I insist its being made with norwegian actors and with respect to the authentic story


New 6 episode TV-series aires in Norway January 2015.
