Music reused by Woody Allen?

(Very roughly) around the 70 minute mark, when Giulietta enters the big house carrying a black cat, there is a musical cue that sounded immediately familiar to me. And I'm pretty sure I've heard the same music in one of Woody Allen's films, possibly Radio Days, Hannah and Her Sisters or The Purple Rose of Cairo.

I can't confirm this however. When I skimmed through the soundtrack in YouTube, I couldn't find the theme in question at all. Also, in IMDb there is no mention of a Nino Rota composition from this film appearing in a Woody Allen movie.

Does anyone know more about this? Is it a popular song, am I just imagining a connection or what?


this is old , but ill try to answer , i think i've heard this music in chicago the movie


It's an old jazz song, probably from the 30s or 40s.


There's a solo piano tune called "The Alley Cat" that came out a few years before this movie. It kind of reminds me of that.
