When is this going to be on DVD?



Dont buy it from robertsvideos.com

I havent heard of that outfit, so I did a google search on robertsvideos. There are complaints about being ripped off by them. One example:


From: Robert Keser
Date: Mon Jun 7, 2004 1:14am
Subject: Re: Robinson Crusoe

Whoa! Caution: robertsvideos is synonymous with rip-off. They don't
take 6 weeks to deliver: they never deliver! The last I heard, the
Canadian authorities were investigating this operation. In case
robertsvideos has reformed, maybe the company can prove it by sending
back the hundred dollars they've owed me for over two years now.

--Robert Keser



I have recorded it on VHS tape from AMC BEFORE they started showing commercials. AMC used to be a good place to catch all the older movies. In my opinion, it's no different than the USA Network or TNT now. So now when I want to see a movie, I pop in a DVD so I dont have to suffer through the commercials.

Anyone want a copy of it, let me know. Of course, I cant sell it. Just pay for the tape and the shipping.

I also recorded No Time for Sargeants from AMC sans commercials. I wish they'd go back to the older days and stop showing those daggum commercials!! *HINT TO AMC*


"I have recorded it on VHS tape from AMC BEFORE they started showing commercials. AMC used to be a good place to catch all the older movies. In my opinion, it's no different than the USA Network or TNT now. So now when I want to see a movie, I pop in a DVD so I dont have to suffer through the commercials."

I like your style :-)

I too taped it off of AMC way back when before they started showing commercials. Or maybe my memory is foggy. Maybe they started showing commercials, but werent interrupting the movies with the commercials. Instead, I recall them starting out running the commercials in between movies and programs. I recall thinking to myself that it would only be a matter of time that they would start interrupting movies with commercials. Sure enough, that's what they did.

I'm rambling here, in any case, I taped Girls on the Beach off of AMC, taped a couple more movies after it on the same tape, put the tape away, and when I lost my cable tv (couldnt afford it anymore), every so often I would play my collection of movies recorded in tape. Thats when I ran across my copy of Girls on the Beach.

I kinda disagree with you about TNT. Except for the commercial interruptions, it wasnt such a bad channel. TNT played good movies, good tv shows that I really enjoyed watching. Maybe not exactly "classics", but stuff that I found really entertaining. AMC sunk to airing movies that were nothing but boring junk.

Both TNT and AMC edited their movies for content. But AMC seemed to take it a bit too far with their editing. They seem to edit movies in order to make room for more commercials. I never got the feeling that TNT did that.

When TNT ran a movie that is one hour and 45 minutes in legnth, you could count on them running it in a 2 hour and 15-45 minute time slot in order to make room for the commercial interruptions. However, when AMC runs a one hour and 45 minute movie, count on them trying to squeeze it into a 2 hour time slot WITH a half hours worth of commercials.

And the commercial interruptions on AMC practically came every five minutes during the movies they played, whereas on TNT, the commercial interruptions wouldnt come for 20-30 minutes. So, one got to watch a good chunk of the movie before a commerical would show.


The FX channel is worst of all for commercials and editing. I DESPISe seeing a movie that I like on the FX channel. When I do, I usually go get the DVD and put it in and watch it straight through.

I could give a rat's behind about commercials. They make me NOT want to buy their products!! LOL



