MovieChat Forums > The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) Discussion > What is the meaning behind Run up the al...

What is the meaning behind Run up the alley

What does Luther mean when he tells the to " Guys to run up a alley and YELL Fish "


a long time ago when fresh fish came in off the boats, fish mongers would load up their carts and roll through town yelling "fish"

So if he yelled it in an alley no one would hear him, meaning in this case, he (The Lawyer) was selling something (his story) no one is listening to.
I've heard that line in other movies, or TV and I'm thinking one time Don Knots was one that said it (other than this movie), it's probably one of his ad libs.


I know that Gomer shouts it to Barney in "Citizen'a Arrest," but Barney may have said it himself at one point.


I never thought of the fish mongers, I always thought it was related to alley cats, and if you yell fish in the alley they will attack, thinking you have fish.

Actually that fits in with your version, the cats would know what "fish" meant after hearing the fish mongers yelling out the word and smelling them at the same time.
