why take Ambian...

...when you can just watch this movie. It will put you right to sleep. It is not high camp, it is not well written, scenes go on and on and on without making any point, and the acting..oh god, the acting. The first mistake is that all involved played it straight. They should have hammed it up. The second mistake, well, that would be me watching it till the end. There are much better Hammer films out there.


Movie must be OK, or else would the Misfits have referenced it?



If you don't like it, don't watch it. In my opinion, it will not put you to sleep if you like Talluhah Bankhead, Stefanie Powers (who actually was considered a self-actualizing heroine in the 60's) or Donald Sutherland.
I agree, check out all the Hammer films. They are all great in their own way.


There were moments, like when Mrs. Trefoile was speechifying, where I fast forwarded until something interesting came on screen. But overall, it was a creepy, disturbing, fun movie.

>>Oh, well that's different. Nevermind!<<


i really liked the story. i actually was expecting a boring movie and was surprised at well... how much i liked it.


I don't know of any sleep inducer called "Ambian." Shame on these Pharmaceutical Companies since there exists a sleeping medication similarly called Ambien. I clearly see now why prescription errors (some fatal) are increasing at quite a staggering rate!
As for this film causing drowsiness (besides Telu babbling faux Bible verses and ideas mentioned below), perhaps you require violence for the sake of same. I won't even mention Michael Bay.
