
I love this movie - it is so campy and unintentionally funny. One of the things that I alway laugh at is that horrendous music that Stephanie Powers is listening to on her car radio on her way to visit Mrs. Trefoil. Did people actually listen to this kind of music???


Yes, in fact, it was very popular here in BRitain and the U.S. (upbeat jazzy music). Wish the music industry still had that style. It would be a marked improvement of the "noise" that we have now.


Not exactly on topic, but I thought the background music was appallingly awful. One of the worst scores I ever heard. It really was a detriment to the film.


I liked the score and thought it enhanced the movie.


No, the "score", if it can be called that, was the worst part of the movie. It sounded like some rinky-dink 60's sitcom music that would be played while coming back from commercials.


Music in 1960s movies actually sounds worse in retrospect than what was actually on the radio at the time, such as the obnoxious rock-and-roll that DeVol wrote for scenes in WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE (so the neighbor couldn't hear Joan Crawford) which was actually given lyrics and "sung" by Bette Davis on the Andy Williams show.

"Stone-cold sober I find myself absolutely fascinating!"---Katharine Hepburn



The problem is that movies and TV shows in the '60s (and the '70s) would attempt to affect a "rock & roll" tune for the radio being composed by people who didn't know how to write one.

It was often laughed at, because the attempts were always so bad. And I guess the white old guys who ran things, the executives, never recognized the patent falsity of the effort.

But it happened so much at the time, it just became a kitschy convention.

That said, the actual musical score for DDMD! is creepy and appropriate.



I agree the score was pretty awful. The music reminded me of the background music for lower grade Seventies thriller and crime TV shows.
