But if you happen to be smarter . . .

I love a lot of film, high art, low art, painfully slow, full of action, (except I hate 99% of chase scenes and fights - those were put there for all the morons who need them and are almost always way too long. 'Old Boy' and 'Kung Fu Hustle' are about the only films that make just about every moment of every "fight" worthwhile, in all cinema history. I watched Scott Pilgrim yesterday and may have truly loved it if there were far less fight scenes - those surreal, cartoon effects were FAR more worthwhile for the music scenes; Pilgrim Fu Hustle.)
Oh yeah, off topic. Godard is a little boring, gets boring quickly and I feel that he plays a lot, with words and ideas, he is smart, but I feel I would have been far more impressed if I could have been at the right age when his films were it - contemporary. Note that Godard quotes Borges and not vice versa. When will you all learn - the most intelligent people don't quote others (nor plagiarise), and maybe that's why other Godard films are better, funnier - ridiculous Orwellian references, and all types of piss-taking of other genres. Remember that making fun of others is the lowest form of humour. Even the funnier Godard films, there's always lots of down time, as one of the most indulgent, Bourgeois (film) artists of all time indulges himself.
Maybe he seems incredibly intelligent to you, those who love this and him, so much. The most brilliant artists have a vision further than the golden egg sitting in their belly buttons.
Hats off to him though, as time has passed he may have inspired better film makers.
PS. I also appreciate Marx, a lot, but haven't you realised that some of the most ideologically Marxist people happen to take the cake for being Bourgeois and indulgent too. The Communist Kings.


>> making fun of others is the lowest form of humour.

Wait, there's some other form of humor?

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


I like people who reply and are not stupid. I prefer people who are witty.
You are cute too. Your reply, that is.
I praise you for pointing out what may be the weakest point of my . . . point :)

~ sincerely ~
