anna karina's dress

i felt rather guilty watching alphaville and wishing that i had her wardrobe the entire time. any idea where her dress is from or a similar looking one?


Anna Karina donated her costumes in Alphaville to the Cinematheque Francaise in Paris. It seems that she was always involved in creating the look of her characters in her movies with Godard-- the Louise Brooks bob in "Vivre sa Vie" and the schoolgirl look in "Band of Outsiders", as examples.


The dress seemed oddly retro mostly because of the lace collar and cuffs. It was a strange thing to be wearing especially in a futuristic setting.


Loved the last dress she wore in the film and her almost helmet-like hair do!
The dress-length is typical for 1965, a year before the hemlines went up. Very elegant.
She moves like a dancer.


I saw a lot of similar dresses at high school dances in the late 60's. Anna k's was a Chanel. Non?

Poets are made by fools like me, but only God can make STD.


How do you know it was chanel? Would a Godard film have afforded it?


Don't know. Looks like one. That's why I asked.

Poets are made by fools like me, but only God can make STD.
