Paul Éluard's influence

Godard was inspired in some scenes by concepts from Paul Éluard's poems La Capitale de la Douleur (The Capital of Pain).
I'm no good in French, I found a short version of the book. What is the poem about and what concepts in the book did inspire Godard?

Otherwise a unique movie experience the first time you see it.

"Men of your type will soon become extinct. You'll become something worse than dead. You'll become a legend." - Professor Von Braun


Wow I'm late on this reply! Well, if you care still I'll give a more detailed elaborate answer...
But I never thought of Eluard reference as having much relation to the story. It's yet another reference that Godard pushes at us, like a recommendation for supplemental reading.
I haven't read it, but I have read much of Aragon, and can say that most of that surrealist writing of the 'Twenties, as well as the German Expressionist films then, can't but enrich your understanding and viewing pleasure with this marvelous compendium of styles and genres.

I'm going to turn over a new leaf in Spain. I'm going to turn over several new leaves.


Éluard is smoother than the anticipatory feeling found in the idea of silk that someone has who has felt the best silk in the world before.

Black Widow Press has put out some great stuff these past couple years!


Thanks for the link:

Here be a link for any who need a cheap copy :

And for for those who wish to buy from a decent site, if you don't mind paying a little more: l+of+pain&keyisbn=&format=

Those who try to make distinctions between education & entertainment know little of either.


Thanks for making my post presentable!

And for that biblio link. Never heard of it until now. That Grossman Publishers edition looks tantalizing!


I'm looking for that book too.

I read in a review that La capitale de La doleur means paris in this movie, or something.
