MovieChat Forums > Akahige (1968) Discussion > I am a Kurosawa fan...will I enjoy this?

I am a Kurosawa fan...will I enjoy this?

I have seen 8 of his films and enjoyed them all. The Seven Samurai and Ran are among my favorites of his. Is this another one of his to add to my list?


I don't know anything about Japenese Movies. but I just came in and turned on TCM and watched the last 30 minutes, and I was blown away at the acting,direction,Black and White is beautiful,powerful,moving,I have been watching the other Japenese movies,Samurai,etc. They are great movies. but I missed the most important movie of the day. Can you buy these Janenese movies online?


Oh, deadzombie, I'm sorry you missed the first 2-1/2 hours. I put the movie on at first just because I was curious, intending to turn it off and go do some work (especially when I saw it was 3 hours long). I could not tear myself away. I ended up watching the whole thing.

I had much the same experience when Ran was on a couple of years ago. I starting watching halfway through, just to see what it looked like. Even though I NEVER continue watching movies that I haven't seen from the beginning, again, I couldn't look away.

I haven't seen any other Kurosawa films, but based on Red Beard and Ran, he truly was the master his reputation says he was: Intense, fully-realized characters; passion; complete, cathartic plots. Nothing is left to be desired.


The respect these Japenese show elderly people and people in general is something you do not see in Western culture. Where people my age are shown no respect at all.If I was younger I would have moved to Japen or maybe even Vietnam .Anyway thanks for your information. Even watching the last half hour I was moved by the powerful acting. It doesn't look like any acting from Western world I have ever seen. Makes these silly,stupid,insulting Hollywood movies from todays world seem irrelevant.


If I could, I would move to Japan. However, if the latest nuclear disasters, I think it would be unwise.


This film is quite different from Kurosawa's more action-oriented films, but still has his unique touch. (So you may like it for it's undescribably Kurosawa-ness, or you may say, "Hey, this isn't like Seven Samurai? What's with all this melodrama?")
A little while into it, I started to realize it was Kurosawa's version of the doctor dramas that were quite popular in the west during the mid 1960's (but Red Beard also takes place during the 1800's which also makes it a period piece).
The Dr. drama comparison is by no means a criticism as it is quite a mesmerizing film. But be advised, although it has a plot that follows the main characters, it contains a series of vignettes - smaller stories within the main story. I watched it in intervals which really gave it the feel of a seriel - it's vignettes lent itself to this way of watching it quite well.


Yes you will.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


It depends. Its probably my least favourite of the Kurosawa films ive seen, it remains exceptionally well made just doesnt click with me like many of his other works do
