So underrated...

I don't know why nobody likes this one. I think its one of Kurosawa's best. Its got so many layers to it and brilliant performances all around. Just because its 3 hours and no samurai duels doesn't mean its not good. Its brilliant. Criminally underrated.


this and Ikiru are two Kurosawa films that not enough people talk about. In essence, they're the humanistic kurosawa minus the normal duels. The levels of moral thought and maturity in this film are amazing, the combination of sensitivity and toughness is beautiful to behold. one of my favorite films.


Exactly. Who needs battles when you have a film with so many layers such great characters, and so many lessons? Besides how can you NOT love the part where Toshiro Mifune single handedly beats the crap out of all those thugs?



I totally agree, it is among Kurosawa's greatest works. The Bad Sleep Well is also extremely underrated, I think the problem is they don't feature the same degree of action, and that is what Kurosawa is most known for (with the exception of Ikiru).


I just finished it today. Totally blew me away. I've seen several Kurosawa films and I wasn't expecting it, but this topped them all. Absolutely stunning.

I haven't seen Ikiru yet.



It was the first Kurosawa I saw and it totally blew me away; now it's, together with Once Upon A Time In The West, my Nr.1, and I expect it to stay there for a VERY long time. It makes me cry and laugh and admire the image and be thrilled about the characters all at the same time, and leaves a nice warm feeling inside me after watching it; and that doesn't happen daily. It's unforgettable.

"There is Robinson, alone on lone island - but they will marry."



I think Red Beard managed to resonate perfectly with something in me, I liked it more than Ikiru. Maybe also because I saw it first. I can't judge Seven Samurai, because due to exam time at school I watched it with very long intermission, so I have to find time to watch it again better way.

"There is Robinson, alone on lone island - but they will marry."


For me, Red Beard by far was the best work from Kurosawa. It had so many human emotions weaved in. Faith and perseverance can heal; thats what this movie is all about.


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by WarNerve626 » Fri Mar 23 2007 19:13:24 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since June 2005
I don't know why nobody likes this one. I think its one of Kurosawa's best. Its got so many layers to it and brilliant performances all around. Just because its 3 hours and no samurai duels doesn't mean its not good. Its brilliant. Criminally underrated.

It's an excellent film.
