it started out as something really good and then he started all his FLAMING antics. he brought the Jupiter 2 down faster than any alien ever could.



dr. smith is why it had only 3 seasons(barely) and one crappy movie nearly 30yrs later. MAYBE it could have become what the star-trek franchise did. "OH, THE PAIN, THE PAIN".


Well, Jonathan Harris did admit in an interview that he was the one who decided to change Dr. Smith from a villian to a sniveling coward. He said he found the character boring.


Dr. Smith was an obnoxious bore and ruined just about every episode...along with Will. It was like they always had a front burner storyline and the others were just co starring along. They always listed Jonathan Harris as SPECIAL GUEST STAR...what???? He wasn't special OR a guest star. His stories, contrived and dumb, hogged most of the air time. Maybe its due for a rewrite and new cast for a 21st century run.


That's really hard to say. Dr. Smith is a memorable character and it was played brilliantly. I am introducing my 5 year old daughter to the show (starting with Season 2 right now since it is bright and colorful) and I have to explain to her many time how Dr. Smith is such a terrible man and how the Robinson's really extend their grace to him. Though when John said he would skin Smith alive if Will was hurt, I was like, yeah!!!


I forget the reason but they had to list him as Special Guest Star. It was in his contract. I am a fan of the show because of Smith/Will and the robot. The Robinsona were boring and everone would have been fast asleep but halfway though season one without Smith.
repeat to yourself it's just a show you should really just relax.


I believe the reason he was given the 'special guest star' was because he demanded it. After not being able to get top billing (due to the others already signing contracts), Harris came up with the idea as being listed as "Special Guest Star". He figured if he had to go last, you might as well make it memorable. I can't be sure, but I am pretty crtain he is known as the first actor to get such billing.

And no, he did not ruin the show. He's the reason it lasted as long as it did.


It WASN'T Dr Smith, it was Irwin Allen! Watch ANY show he had anything to do with, they ALL started out as "something good" but Allen used the old 'bait and switch' tactic to get his shows aired....film great pilots and a few good eps, then dust off the rubber monsters.
Besides, without Smith, the series would have ended after the first season.

Yes, this is the most technically correct explanation. It was B-movie producer Irwin Allen that lowered the production standards to all time lows. Hell, he loved to recycle sets\costumes with a cheap can of spray paint.

Dr. Smith was "Lucy" or "Gilligan" on the show, and rest cast were never allowed to jettison him into space. Major West always talked tough, but never did anything other than talk tough.

Hell, you almost would think the cast was afraid that Dr. Smith had powers to "Wish them into the cornfield". Well, we know Will Robinson wasn't afraid of Dr. Smith. :)


Hell, you almost would think the cast was afraid that Dr. Smith had powers to "Wish them into the cornfield".

Well, we know Will did.

<<<Well, we know Will Robinson wasn't afraid of Dr. Smith. :)


<<< you almost would think the cast was afraid that Dr. Smith had powers to "Wish them into the cornfield". Well, we know Will Robinson wasn't afraid of Dr. Smith. :)

That's because Will could wish Dr. Smith into the cornfield.


Television expenses in the 1960s were very high, especially with the cost of then-new color film. Even "Batman" had to have huge cost reductions because of tremendously large costs.

Without the (admittedly insane) levels of prop re-use, the show would never have made it to season 3 to begin with.

I still maintain that the family's religion and sense of family values ultimately prompted them to keep Smith despite how often he endangered their lives. Especially as they would learn that his sabotage ironically allowed them to survive in the first place.


Well, not so if you listen to Jonathan Harris interviews. He takes (almost) sole responsibility (and credit) for turning Smith into the clown he became. His reasoning was that if he stayed evil, he'd be dead before the end of the front 13 episodes. I doubt they would have killed him. It would have made the writers have to work harder to keep Smith friendly to the family but still plotting against them.


He can take credit for the idea, but it was the producer and director that permitted him to do whatever he did.


either make the show serious or silly but dont start serious and then go silly.


I liked this show as a kid, but when I see it now, it's pretty bad, and I think Dr. Smith is the biggest problem. But the show has other problems.


I think the biggest problems were the vegetables revolting and those singing vikings!

Opinions are like a55holes. Everybody has one!!



Of course. It would have been a one season show without Dr. Smith and would have have been forgotten as well since Smith is the why it did well in reruns with the kiddies for ten years after.


Dr Smith MADE the show.

" First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me. Blow. "


major west should have dumped him out in space.


To me, it's actually an open question as to what LIS would have been like w/o the campy buffoon version of Smith.

The pilot film, Nowhere to Run, doesn't offer much insight, as it is more of a special effects demo than an actual story. Also, Smith and Robot were absent.

The episodes with evil Smith tend to be better than the episodes with campy Smith, IMO. So that is a point.

Another point is that Irwin Allen made Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, which did not feature any campy-buffoon type character, and which lasted 4 seasons. Of course, only the 1st two seasons of that show are good, the rest is just typical Irwin Allen crap. But you'd be hard-pressed to create a list of more than 2 whole seasons worth of watchable LIS episodes as well...a lot of S2 and S3 is unwatchable.

But the unanswerable question is this: What would have happened with the Smith character if Johnathan Harris had not turned him from a villain to a buffoon? Keeping a villain on the ship for 3 seasons seems a tenuous concept but at the same time it was stretch to believe that Smith could continuously, without fail, make the wrong decision every time, and disobey orders every single time, without him being either pushed out the airlock or at least re-frozen for the duration.

Either way, 3 seasons of Smith is a difficult concept.


I watched a few of those last episodes from S3 (MeTV) - "Space Beauty" "Flaming Planet" -and they were awful. Just. Plum. Awful. No wonder the show was cancelled. Not hard to imagine what the network execs thought when they saw those stinkers. I was going to watch the "Vegetable Rebellion" episode but fell asleep. Thank goodness. OTOH "Anti-Matter Man" from S3 was pretty good.


A lot of posters here will say that campy Smith was essential to LIS, but here is a key point:

When IA essentially rebooted LIS to create Land of the Giants, his Smith analogue, Capt. Fitzpugh, was basically Smith 1.5, the nominally-reformed Smith that we see in 'The Hungry Sea.' This is the Smith no longer with a homicidal motivation, occasionally helpful, but prior to the sissy buffoon (Smith 2.0) who, from mid S1 onward, dominated LIS. (Smith 1.0 is the homicidal Smith from the first 2 episodes.)

When it was time to create LOTG, IA went for the 1.5 version of Smith, a sly rogue forced by circumstance into cooperation, versus sissy buffoon Smith 2.0. I think this is strong evidence that by the end of LIS, even IA had figured out that audiences had there belly full of sissy buffoon Smith.


I remembered the show as a child of the 60's and thought that to keep a saboteur alive in your midst out in deep space was stupid and dangerous. Then Dr. Smith devolved into a buffoon and I realized even as a child that the show had reverted to a live cartoon. Smith and Will Robinson and Robot ad nauseum! You could warch 5 minutes of the show and see everything. 😨💨😷


I wonder how different things would've have been if Caroll O'Connor got the part or if Lost In Space wasn't competing with Batman.

Dr. Smith dumps the acid


Yeah, in 'The Hungry Sea' a lot of problems would have been avoided if Don had listened to Dr. Smith. Don was such an asshat in that episode. ;P

Dr. Smith dumps the acid


Early season 1 has dated badly, but the feel of the piece, topped by Dr Smith being villainous helped a lot.

Season 2 and its level of camp is just unwatchable, proving that anyone blindly trying to outdo "Batman" wasn't going to succeed by default.

Season 3 has a balance between seriousness and camp, and the reason why the Robinsons or Don never marooned Smith or anything worse was due to their shared family values.

Indeed, the episode from season 3 where it was revealed that Dr Smith interfering is what allowed the family to survive in the first place was pretty decent.
