Wooden Leg

Can anyone tell me which is the episode where Max is looking for a man with a wooden leg???. The man walks with a footfall that has one of his feet making a clunking sound, and the other foot is silent. However, every person Max comes in contact with has this footfall, of course. Have been trying to work out the ep.


Ship of Spies (a two part episode) from Season 1


Thank you for your help. Going to go and find it and have a few laughs.


That episode ranks as my all-time favorite of this series. It was so full of great lines.

Max boards this ship to find out if anyone makes a "clip-clop" noise when they walk, because that was the sound heard right after someone was murdered. Max finds someone with Castanets, someone who's progress in a wheelchair makes the same sound, someone else with a wooden leg, and, I think, a couple of other people who make that sound for other reasons. When he phones the Chief and is asked, "Does anyone on board make that sound," he replies, "Everyone on board makes that sound."--which bewilders the Chief a bit.

It even had a line my Dad used to use on me when I would sloppily try to eat or drink something as a child. Max observes someone in a restaurant making a total mess of eating something, with liquid running all down his face. Max says, "Careful, some of that's getting in your mouth."

Just thinking about this episode again makes me want to re-watch it.


Thank you Flushing Cups. Do you know which season it was in, and the name of the episode?


As someone else previously responded, we are talking about Ship of Spies, which was a two-parter that aired late in the first season.


First guy:I met a man with a wooden leg named Smith.
Second: What's the name of his other leg?


Probably the best episode(s). So many great lines. Like your dad's.
I see you're looking at my leg.
I've seen legs before, it's the wooden job, I'm looking at.

You've heard of the great white whale?
That was done by the great white whale?
No, it was done by a small blue convertible... and ruined a promising dancing career.
