MovieChat Forums > F Troop (1965) Discussion > MAYBERRY R.F.D, stole F-TROOP's theme so...

MAYBERRY R.F.D, stole F-TROOP's theme song...

...and just slowed it down.

At least, it always sounds like it to me.



The Mayberry RFD theme actually had been used in the music score on the Andy Griffith Show going all the way back to its first season in 1960 (it might've been a "runner-up" to be the Andy Griffith theme itself!). One prominent later use on AG was when Aunt Bee got her own cooking show on TV, it was used as THAT show's theme!


๎ขThen it's possible that F Troop was the actual song stealer! ๎€˜

Wilton : Okay O'Rourke...lock 'em up in the guard house &
call Marvin gaye's family! This is an ovious copywright infringement!

Dobbs ,sound the Revellie! ๎ข

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 ๐Ÿ• *arf,man!*


That settles it! F TROOP was the thief. They gave it to Ken Berry and then he took it back again!!

LBJ's mistress on JFK:
