*beep* off Aiden

I swear I can't stand the man. He needs to eat *beep* and die. Oh Abe Abe Abe. Why couldn't you move like 2 seconds earlier or 2 seconds later?


Maybe I'm the only one but I want Aiden to expose those crooked cops Hope and Rafe who feel like they have free reign to just commit crimes and cover them up whenever they want.

Burt Macklin, FBI


Maybe I'm the only one but I want Aiden to expose those crooked cops Hope and Rafe who feel like they have free reign to just commit crimes and cover them up whenever they want.

It's an exaggeration to call them "crooked cops". Hope killed a known murderer and mobster who had terrorized her family for years, and she did so while under acute emotional distress. In any real-world scenario, she would not have been prosecuted and might have been called a heroine. She did tell both Rafe and Roman about it and Roman chose not to discipline her. Yes, they didn't follow what would normally be considered "proper procedure" in documenting what happened, but to now call them "crooked cops" who feel they have "free reign to just commit crimes and cover them up" is absurd.


It's an exaggeration to call them "crooked cops". Hope killed a known murderer and mobster who had terrorized her family for years, and she did so while under acute emotional distress. In any real-world scenario, she would not have been prosecuted and might have been called a heroine. She did tell both Rafe and Roman about it and Roman chose not to discipline her. Yes, they didn't follow what would normally be considered "proper procedure" in documenting what happened, but to now call them "crooked cops" who feel they have "free reign to just commit crimes and cover them up" is absurd.

Right after the Stefano thing they covered up Ava's murder at the hands of Joey. If they or one of their family members commits a crime and they want to "protect" they then they will cover things up for their family. I just hate Hope and Rafe's self righteousness. They are the worst couple on the show for me in a long time.

Burt Macklin, FBI


Right after the Stefano thing they covered up Ava's murder at the hands of Joey. If they or one of their family members commits a crime and they want to "protect" they then they will cover things up for their family. I just hate Hope and Rafe's self righteousness. They are the worst couple on the show for me in a long time.
There's some serious cognitive dissonance written into the characters, and the what's permissible to them and what's acceptable to others. They've begun writing Aiden as slimier since the writers change, but up to now, where he's willing to blackmail Hope to get her back; before that he may have had some ethical gray areas, but was otherwise not a horrible person. The Dimeras tried strong arming him into murdering Hope, and he only considered it because of the pressure they put him under, and the direct threats against his own son; and yet not only could he still not go through with it, the Dimeras knew well enough that he would never go through with it, that they went to the trouble of bringing in a double to do the deed, which by all rights they should have done in the first place. Rule #1 of Days, the lie of the story is always better; by all rights they should have just had it where he really was kidnapped and replaced much earlier than how they had it.

And yet, Hope kills a man in cold blood, and has the sanctimony to be indignant about the circumstances under which she and Aiden got together; or that the Dimeras pressured him to kill her, but couldn't do it.
Not only that, we have Rafe dressing down Lani as being a rank amateur for questioning what was going on with Hope and the accusations and suspicions that were flying around her. Lani was absolutely correct to be suspicious, and was doing the right thing by asking questions, yet she's treated as the bad guy within the narrative; and one of the supposed heroes of the story, Rafe, bullies her into backing down from doing what she should be doing. And what rankles me more than the absolute stupidity of that as a story on a soap, is the reality of that kind of bull *beep* among (some) actual cops; and the failure to understand why in some instances people don't inherently trust them. To then put that in a story on Days, I fail to see how we're supposed to be sympathetic to that type of hypocritical behavior. It IS police corruption, because they're legitimately holding themselves to a completely different standard on the law, and accountable to no one but each other and their "good ole boy" mentality. If it were truly justifiable, then they could shine a light on it in court and prove the system works, but they don't even have faith in the system they work in and sworn to uphold!

They used to. They did some sort of trial involving Jack, where even though he was never charged and probably was past the statue of limitations for raping Kayla, broke down and confessed what he'd done; and they made it real dramatic, and powerful, and is one of the things people look at as a story from Days to take pride in.
Steve went on trial for the murder of his abusive father, before Adrienne's memory came back that she had done it, after he attacked her again; and she was acquitted on those circumstances.

We know Stefano was a terrible person, but that doesn't give someone the right to go out and kill terrible people. We have laws and a judicial system for a reason. It may not be perfect, but it beats the hell out of the alternative without it. The problem with the likes of Stefano is that conceit where, in order to keep him on indefinitely, they had to make the police so inept they could never get the goods on him - though to be more accurate, they actually overlook the one time they actually did put him away, and he bargained for his freedom and pardon, to save Roman's life. Beyond that though, they end up perpetuating his character at the expense of the intelligence of all others who should be bringing him to justice the correct way; and instead of giving any one of them that final, legitimate win, they circumvent it by having someone gun him down in a fit of rage, for specific reasons that turn out to be the one thing he was actually innocent of, and then game the system to get away with it. I was rather looking forward to where that story could have been going, when they first showed Hope fire that gun; because I automatically envisioned a trial, where they would explore all the ways Stefano tormented her and her family, and then ultimately have her acquitted. Then stupid Rafe walks in and helps her cover it up, and they go in the worst possible direction the story could have gone.

The state of things with the characters who are supposed to be the show's protagonists, the good guys, is absurd. They're not sympathetic, they're insulated to an almost incestuous degree; and they live by their own rules. We had a scene where Shawn is accused of getting his job through nepotism, and the defense against it was a joke; because everything his supervisor said was true, the man who hired Shawn was his freaking uncle, and the cop who comes to Shawn's defense is his own freaking mother. We have Steve and John running around, guns drawn during a crisis after Abe was shot, pretending to be cops, when they're not any more; and in any other circumstance that sort of thing would make things worse. How much help are these two geriatric spy-wannabes going to be in that situation; especially when the moment they got a lead on their missing loved ones, they bolt? All of that gives Brady the idea that he's entitled to take matters into his own hands and send armed goons down to the docks in search of the bad guys, only to make things worse.
The Trio of Morons are specifically after these handful of people, but are allowing all of Salem to get swept up in their wake. If I was just an average citizen, I wouldn't be out looting; I'd probably be enlisting up other citizens to round up the Bradys and the Kirakis family, et al; and serve them up to the fugitives in the hopes that our homes and family would stop being caught in the cross fire of their private wars and vendettas, that not only keep plaguing the city, but have escalated to the point where one of their enemies blows up the freaking power plant, and has begun to endanger other people's lives.

"Sorry, I mistook you for a corpse."


I totally agree obsessed..... I cannot wait until he is gone!







Omg I'm watching weds show now and I wanna put my hands through the tv and strangle him.



I have no sympathy for Hope. She killed an unarmed man and then compounded it by covering it up and framing another man for the crime.


I have no sympathy for Hope. She killed an unarmed man and then compounded it by covering it up and framing another man for the crime.

She killed an unarmed man who happened to be a known international gangster, murderer and terrorist who had committed unspeakable offenses against numerous innocent people, including Hope and members of her family. In the real world it would be roughly equivalent to an off-duty policeman finding himself alone with an unarmed bin Laden and taking him out. Far from being condemned, an officer of the law who kills a known international serial terrorist like that would probably be commended.




At least Hope went back at him with the Chase killing Meredith thing. I absolutely hate Aiden. I have since day one. Theres just no chemistry between him and Hope. I was so ever happy when Rafe punched him in that smug face.

You cant make an omelette without breaking a few legs-Ziva David



Man that was one mean punch too..lol I felt that myself..lol


I know right? Ah that's my man. I'm just confused why rafe tells calls him out about blackmailing hope and hope is telling Jenn they broke up? What are those two up to I wonder? Don't spoil me!




