Fantastic film

I dont usually post on here but after giving this film another watch i just needed to say what a fantastic film this is. The feeling of dread this film manages to create is just incredible and the performances throughout were top notch. Its one of those films your left still thinking about for days after.


Yeah, I saw this movie once as a child. I had to rewatch it. So last night I watched a copy of the film in HD. It was so nice to revisit the film. By the end I couldn't believe just how good it really was. Much much better than what I had remembered. It's like the British's 300.


Best war movie ever made.


I really do just love the heck out of this movie.

I grew up virtually next door to an American Revolutionary War battle site- Fort Griswold in Groton, CT.

On Sept. 6th 1781, British Redcoats under the command of Benedict Arnold {American traitor} raided the fort and massacred many of its defenders after several sieges had been repulsed and many killed. The town of New London was also burned.

Me and the neighborhood kids used to play out war games there all the time. There are ramparts, tunnels, lookouts, cannon works. And often during dry summers, the grass would dry out just like the countryside pictured in Zulu.

There's a museum house with many period pieces of furniture, antique weapons, uniforms, china and silverware, etc. And a large granite obelisk monument {much like the Washington Monument in DC} of around 200 feet in height with a spiral staircase leading to the top.

In a way, the movie Zulu has always been sort of a haunting reminder to me of the old fort that I grew up next to, and how it must have been on that September afternoon so long ago.
