MovieChat Forums > Zulu (1964) Discussion > I always are on the side of the Natives!

I always are on the side of the Natives!

Whether this great British classic, or "Custer of the West" of 1967, I am always siding on the side of the Native. Any native fighting against Western White Imperialism and Racism is a hero for me. Make a movie of Palestinians fighting against Israelis soldiers, I don't care if they are called "Islamic terrorist", and I'll be on their side too. Call me a "traitor" or "hating USA", whatever. Nobody has the right to abuse and enslave natives of a lower cultural life.


By doing so you overlook & white wash the fact that the 'natives' were violent imperialists themselves; the fact that they are now 'a small people; a silly people; greedy barbarous & cruel' now is irrelevant because they aspire NOT to be....


Do I want to lower myself to them? Do you want to lower yourself to them? Imperialism and racism is just that. I know what some natives did. It is just that I will not lower myself to them. Is that you?


1. The Zulus killed more Zulus than the British ever did.

2. The Zulus were not weak. They were huge in number and knew how to fight. In fact it was the Zulus who upped the ante with the massacring of everything (including defenceless auxiliaries, cooks and even animals such as dogs and horses) at Isandlwana.

3. Neighbouring black tribes despised and feared the Zulus and sided with the British.

4. The British didn't settle in Zululand after they defeated the Zulus. They let the Zulus live on there and the British didn't take over their lands.

5. Rorke's Drift was in Natal, not Zululand. In the battle depicted in the film Zulu, it was the Zulus who invaded Natal and picked a fight with a weaker in number hospital/supply depot because they thought it would be an easy victory after Isandlwana.


Remember the old saying to a bully: "why don't you pick somebody of your size?". Only cowards lower themselves abusing helpless and weak people. Now you see my point?


mmmm...nope I don't get where you're coming from; you overlook humanity's inhumanity & the fact that everyone get's their turn as either the boot on the neck or under the boot....


Boot on neck? Are you a "skinhead"?


I share your general attitude towards imperialism, but one could hardly consider the Zulus as "helpless and weak." We're talking about a people that, at its apex, conquered most of southern Africa through force of arms - most of that achieved within a remarkably short period of time under Shaka. Does this justify the British conquest? No, and I doubt even diehard jingos are eager to defend Bartle-Frere's chicanery. It does, however, place it in a proper perspective.

Based on your posts here (especially the "lower cultural life" bit), yours appears to be an idealized nonsense view of the world, where everyone not a Westerner is a defenseless victim. That's not only ignoring the fact that many of these nations could be vicious, cruel and imperialist in their own right. It also robs them of agency, as if the Zulus weren't themselves building a fairly sophisticated state, or even capable of making decisions, but were an inert mass peacefully toiling away until the British came. I doubt the Zulus themselves would be flattered by such an assessment.

"Do you know what lies at the bottom of the mainstream? Mediocrity!"


Superb, let me say that I sort of think the OP is trolling us but if he's (? I assume the gender) not, he also suffers from another sort of Racism: that condescending attitude that the helpless & uninformed 'wog masses' are in need of 'enlightened Westerners-IE: Whites-to help & guide them....I've run into many such folks who aren't Indian or African or IberoAmerican Mestizo Peasant but they seem to think those other folks are so 'broken down' they just can't fend for themselves;


Whether this great British classic, or "Custer of the West" of 1967, I am always siding on the side of the Native.

So you'd also root for the native British if you'd watch The Battle of Britain, as they were fighting off a stronger invading foreign enemy force??



right to abuse and enslave natives of a lower cultural life

Your saying that Zulus are of a lower cultural life than the Brits. That statement in an of itself show your "racism". Don't you know that all races and cultures are 100% equal???

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


Mootest of points, sheriff.
No doubt the irony will be lost on the boy.

The OP came across to me as one "who protesteth too much" when I first read his post.
