Oh, the irony!

Did anyone notice that it was because of one of her suggestions to her then husband that all (except for the last one of course) met his demise?

All these suggestions were in order to 'improve' things for her then husband. But of course it resulted in anything but that.

Oh, the irony!


Yes. That's what the movie is about and why she is at the psychiatrist. She thinks she is cursed. All she wants is a simple life with a true love, but every time she marries one, SHE becomes the impetus for him turning into what she was trying to avoid. She thought she was safe with Mitchum, since he was rich already...but then he got even richer, and it was her suggestion that lead to his demise.

Oh, the irony!


That's dark comedy for you...

J. Robards sings:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xS7s6YkV KEI
