MovieChat Forums > The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964) Discussion > Molly Brown, my first home Tv star like

Molly Brown, my first home Tv star like

I'm not a singer or a actor though I've often spent hours mingling the two at home much better than others though I don't claim to know more than the AMC channel. I've recently weeks ago suspended my Directv service for six months to save money and to enjoy quiet time. My two new Windows 10 laps both have all 7 DVD and 7 soundtracks of Star Wars installed on the hard drive with about 200 scavenger items added to them. The scavenger list is about as complete as I can make it. With something like that I don't have to three way public rip off share. Carrie Fisher in my mind has never looked cuter as I've been watching the shows recently. The Unsinkable Molly Brown is the first movie I related myself to a lead actor. At age 8 to 12 I was to young to experience love but old enough to know I really liked Debbie Reynolds. In my youth I watched it whenever on air, maybe 20 times. For the most part from years 1956 to 1983 anyone on Tv I never took seriously and except for maybe purchasing records that was about as involved I got with them. In other words second thoughts of finding them in any fashion meant nothing to me. They were more aliens than anything else living in a town that was secure and normal and nothing out of the ordinary ever happened other than making my own entertainment with in person friends. Actor spies or real spies I ignored all together. It wasn't until age 40 I considered myself Robert Powell Jesus or 1956 the 10 Commandments movie baby Moses. I keep to myself. I can't afford travel. I have this relationship theory that is about 10 years old, I'm 60. That is I don't consider myself loyal to any girl unless we've had in person sex at least 10 times. Well that illuminates Hollywood prostitute movies and their theories. And I don't mean watch the same scene over and over 10 times. I mean 10 fresh times and instant live. And too I don't mean the news. Technically everything you see on Tv other than the news is one hour to 100 years old. This is where telling the girl I like you or your cute if she had in brains she would by letter or by phone contact me. Well I let you write to JRI at 149 Sunny RD St Maries, ID 83861. It's the only way that will get a response from me. I realize Debbie is 84 years old and Carrie is 60 but if you don't care enough to write what chance do we in person?
