MovieChat Forums > Topkapi (1964) Discussion > Missed last 10 minutes! Help! (hopefully...

Missed last 10 minutes! Help! (hopefully a spoiler)

Recorded this during a recent overnight thunderstorm. Upon watching it, made it through the movie up to the point of their exit from the museum heist and return to the villa. Then - blank screen! Guess the cable went out during the storm. (This is Oklahoma, happens all the time.)

Can anyone fill me in on the ending?



They go to the police station - and tell the Cops that they found explosives and a gun in their car. (Clearly hoping to call the cops bluff.)

Meanwhile, the circus is moving out of town, with the real dagger on the dummy.

A bird that slipped into the museum during the break-in triggers the alarm.

The cops are informed - while the group is still there. The main cop checks the last note in the cigarette pack - which meantions meeting a guy near the museum.

He connects the dots, has the circus stopped, and they find the dagger.

The whole group goes to prison, where they discuss a future robbery.


A big belated thanks. Still sorry I missed out on it, but happy to have the blow by blow.
There will be another opportunity.
