a copy at last!...

....through a trailer someone had posted on YOU TUBE, I was able to track down a copy on DVD at MONSTERS IN MOTION (just stick that in a search engine - you'll find it).
Pretty much as I remembered it...except a slight difference in the ending....quick series of images, yes...but receding to the vanishing point (square image surrounded by an ever expanding border of black)images so fast you could hardly make them out, no. Either Ive got that mixed up with another film or theres another version knocking about - or has been lost. I think it would have improved the ending a little - even though it is pretty good...darkish, although we do have the 'other' group of scientists escaping into some paradise in the far future. I would have had the scientists, catching up...or slowing down as it were, and merging with our semi-static heroes...THEN starting the loop....a truly dark ending, with no happy ever after for anyone....would have been more believable too...instead of there being two groups co-existing in time. Ahead of its time - for its time - which is kinda fitting for a time travel story.


Thanks Steve for the location info. I had been trying to get someone to tell me the title for two years in TCMs message board. Finally someone recognized what movie I was talking about, but said it had been released on video by HBO and that I'd have to look for a used copy on eBay. Thankfully, you showed me the way to get it on DVD. It has been ordered.


Another thanks from me Steve. I couldn't remember the name of the move either until I did an extensive search all over the internet. That trailer link sure brought up some old memories and it sure is going to be fun watching it again.
