Entomological films

Does anyone know of any other serious films in which the hero is an entomologist or the film involves entomology seriously? I love the B sci-fi films along this line, like Trarantula, Them, etc., but I'm not talking about them here.




Terence Stamp plays a butterfly collector in the 1965 film 'The Collector'.



You probably know of it but out of the top of my head I would say 'Angels and Insects'

---I don't know enough to be incompetent.---


Phase IV one of my favorites.


I might be a little late, but Doctor Maturin from Master and Commander has an interest in entomology which is explored in the film.


Nuit Noire features an entomologist lead character, lots of cool images of crazy looking bugs, and is generally like a Lynchian nightmare

I'm proud to say my poetry is only understood by that minority which is aware.


The Collector.


Since there isn't a whole lot to learn about insects from WitD, I might as well suggest The Silence of the Lambs....
