Main Character? Fool.

Having seen this film several times I retain the same opinion, that the main character is a complete fool. From the beginning we atleast know that he is a shallow character. An entomologist working alone with the desires of "getting his name in an encyclopedia," is nearly pathetic in my opinion. Entomologists generally choose entomology because they love what they do. Any choice of profession that's being used as a forum for ten minutes of fame, is a misguided choice imo. Further evidence of his foolishness is abound in the film. He's thirsty.. so he drinks alcohol? "My breath feels like it's on fire" Congratulations guy, it's called alcohol. But he doesn't stop there, BRACKISH WATER? A schoolteacher, drinking brackish water. Just consider that for a moment. I knew the character was lost forever when (after the 3 month period) he responds to her saying "they treat us well" by bowing his head and not saying anything at all, essentially accepting his fate. The final lines are all telling, (i'm paraphrasing) "I'll tell them about the pump tomorrow, if not tomorrow then soon, then I can worry about escaping." A fool is a fool wherever he goes.


