MovieChat Forums > Shock Treatment (1964) Discussion > no retail release? shocking!

no retail release? shocking!

only home recordings off TV.


...My thoughts exactly---why is the movie not on blu ray? Hollywood, are you listening?


for sale on ebay (German title - English dialogue) running time given as 90 mins (IMDB 94 mins) but that might have something to do with film speed/frames per minute or something I don't really know about. Hope this helps.


...Thanks for the info! :)


so has anyone here bought the dvd yet? Wondering how the quality is, and if it's PAL (oddly not stated on websites or dvd packaging).
It's listed under German title: Der Mörder mit der Gartenschere


I just opened a new thread about this issue. A friend and I separately attempted to order copies from Amazon.Germany, but we were both denied, apparently because we live in the US. See my new thread for other comments.
