Pretty bad

I wanted to like it, but it was a realistic comedy with too many silly elements from a different kind of comedy thrown in. Just bear with me here. You have the comedy set up of Curtis wanting to write an expose on Helen Brown and he uses the marital failure of his best friend to help him. Fine. Stick with that kind of comedy. However, you have too many scenes like Curtis being fished out of the ocean and when he goes to speak water shoots out of his mouth. An unrealistic element in a realistic comedy. Or the gag with the office men's room that has coin dispensers for all grooming stations. Even a coin-operated drinking fountain. No explaination for them either. How about the preztel gag. Henry Fonda drives up alongside the cab to reason with his wife, but says, "Hey, are those preztels?" He grabs one and starts eating. The silly chase scene at the end was more like a Jerry Lewis comedy. And poor Henry Fonda, forced to dance the twist. Whew!

Off the record, on the QT, and very hush hush


I don't believe you understand what kind of movie this is, typical of the 1960s madcap comedy farces, it plays almost like a stage play but better. Everything in it was designed to be a farce, and they did it very well.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.
