Natalie Wood, Comedienne

Not having seen this film in years, I'm pleasantly surprised at how very well Natalie Wood pulled off this comic performance. She was superb! All the while, she maintaned her trademark vulnerabilility throughout.

She was taken from us much to soon.



She was much more relaxed and better (and thus, funnier) in this film than in "Penelope". In that one she seemed much more forced and miscast.
In "Sex..." she was enjoying herself and it came off really well. It's a joy to see her. She was so beautiful too!


Have you all forgotten "The Great Race"?
In which she was very funny


She was great and what wonderful outfits she wore!

‘Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).



Gorgeous and sexy and funny!

I love the way she played comedy. Sex and the Single Girl was the first true comedy of her adult career and she pulled it off beautifully. Love with the Proper Stranger had some funny moments in which she positively shined but that was not a true comedy. SATHG gave her a chance to use her comedic gifts that were visible in her childhood career in films such as Father Was a Fullback.
