Horseface Helen Gurley Brown

This is the real-life HGB. As you can see, she bears absolutely no resemblance to the stunningly beautiful Natalie Wood.

She's older now, but even in her younger years, Ms. Brown was a skinny, ugly woman. Ugly on the inside too -- this old hag played a big part in launching the "sexual revolution" with her slutty magazine Cosmo. So you can thank her for many of society's woes, including the illegitimacy rate, abortion rate, STD rate, etc.


Horseface portrayed in movie by catface. Couldn't they get that chick from "The Beverly Hillbillies" who played Miss Hathaway?


Reminds me of the "All Democratic Women are ugly and all Republican women are beautiful" stereotype, that right-wing extremists cling to 24/7.
