MST3K sucks

I haven't seen the film yet but I know it is much better than it's rating. MST3K never features the really bad modern films and those are far worse.

Antiparanoia is the eerie feeling that nothing is connected to anything else



I concur. That show blows massive hose!

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


I haven't seen the film yet but I know it is much better than it's rating.

Put up or shut up.

Watch the film -

MST3K never features the really bad modern films and those are far worse.

MST3K was cancelled in 1999. Is your complaint that they never featured films that didn't exist at the time?

Watch Rifftrax if you want to see new films being mocked.


I like MST3K, but I think because of that show, many movies on here get worse ratings than they deserve. People assume that just because a movie was on MST3K that it must be a boring, unwatchable piece of garbage which is unfair so they automatically give it a 1. Most movies on MST3K aren't even that bad in my opinion. Many movies I've seen that were featured on there are enjoyable on their own even without commentary and this is no exception. Although on the other hand, a lot of people wouldn't even be aware of the existence of these movies without the show so I guess it is a blessing in that respect.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I like MST3K, but I think because of that show, many movies on here get worse ratings than they deserve. People assume that just because a movie was on MST3K that it must be a boring, unwatchable piece of garbage which is unfair so they automatically give it a 1. Most movies on MST3K aren't even that bad in my opinion.

I think a lot of the movies are pretty good, too.

But I don't know anyone who would give the film a low rating simply because it was featured on MST3K. That sounds like something people who have never even seen the film or series would do.


I don't know how many people rate a movie just because it was on MST3K, but for many of those movies, I wouldn't be surprised if they got their rating from people who had seen it on MST3K, and rated it. Where else, for instance, would the average person have seen Manos to know how bad it is?


You haven't seen it, but it's better than it's ranking..... Oooookaaaaayyyyy. You must be mean...psychic. You have quite an unhealthy problem with MST3K, dontchya? It's just an old TV show, dude, let it go.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
